Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 221 Fatigue

 Hi to all,

    Apologies for the lapse in posting.  inexcusable really, so I will share a few medical and non medical reasons. 

     The 10 year old laptop continued to slow down in spite of being wormed, and boosted, flushed and tuned up. It was on its third battery and second keyboard.  I finally had to admit that working on it was beyond my ken.  Unsupported OS, Screen freeze, a half hour just to get online only to have the screen go black.  It was getting tired.  Overworked? Planned obsolescence? Fatigue. 

     A worthy patron set me up with a refurbished MacBook Pro, and this is the first post on the new to me Apple. I started on an Apple back at the dawn of the interwebs, and I wonder why I went over to the dark side. 

     This 62 year old laptop user/abuser  continued to slow down as well. Between the meds, the tapering of the meds, and the seemingly slow progress of my recovery, I was exhibiting some of the same symptoms. Brain Freeze and fatigue, and a feeling of things just not getting better.

 crumb art available at

 Ease on over the jump here for a look at Fatigue.


The Beatles - I'm So Tired ( white album )

(right click and open in new window)

j'suis fatigue

From the Thesaurus

                               Synonyms:brain fog, burnout, debility, dullness, enervation, ennuiexhaustionfaintness, 
fatigation, feebleness, heaviness, languor, lassitudelethargylistlessness, 
over tiredness, weaknessweariness,tiredness

Adjectives: fatigued; wearydrowsydrooping; haggard; toil worn, way worn:, footsore,
surbated, weather beaten; faint; done up, used up, knocked up; bushed [U.S.]; 
exhausted, prostrate, spent; overtired, overspent, over fatigued; unrefreshed, 
unrested.,  worn,worn out; battered, shattered, pulled down, seedy, altered.,
breathless, windless; shortof breath, out of breath, short of wind; 
blown, puffing and blowing; short-breathed; anhelose;  broken winded, 
short- winded; dyspnaeal, dyspnaeic., ready to drop, all in, more dead than alive, 
dog weary, walked off one's legs, tired to death, on one's last legs, played out,
hors de combat., fatiguing; tiresome, irksome, wearisome; weary, trying...

in short, plumb tuckered out.

You might be fatigued if....

Out of curiosity, what is another word for thesaurus?


which means 

glossary, language reference book, lexicon, reference book, source book, storehouse of words, terminologytreasury of words, vocabularyword list.

Causes and Symptoms:

What can be causing this fatigue?

One of the causes I can identify is the tapering of my Prednisone, and Tacrolimus. For about a week after the dosage is reduced, my Adrenal Gland has to work harder to keep up, because it is not being influenced by the Immuno- Suppressants.

What I have learned in this is that fatigue begets fatigue. The bed is for sleeping, don't go back to bed.
Make yourself get up and be active or you will spiral downward into the pit of atrophied muscles.

Naps are ok, good a must even. Listen to your body, it will tell you what to do.

A google search for fatigue causes, and both are product driven, which is not surprising.
For Men, could it be Low T?
For Women, Why am I tired?

Some scholarly articles and abstracts:

Truth is, 

they just don't know.  Chronic Fatigue comes from some imbalance of the Humors - more on that later.

One or more systems is out of adjustment, and it throws of the whole balance of glandular secretions, feedback mechanisms, and organ functions.  There is no one remedy, just like with my old laptop.
I treated the symptoms, exterminated the malware, worms and viruses, but the damage was deep, and some of the components were worn out.

Eat right, get some exercise, listen to your body. 


  1. You got that right. I have only an inkling of what you have been going through, but have, indeed, had the kind of chronic fatigue syndrome due to chronic disease (intestinal 'issues') that felt like elephants came to live on my body. Hard, very hard to break that 'fatigue breeds fatigue' cycle. Hang in there, buddy. I found that little tiny efforts do accumulate and tho' imperceptible, progress is being made. Maybe? I think so. Miss and love you both!

    1. Some mornings I fall back asleep with the mug of Java in hand.
      It was like this back when I had Lymes too. Interesting.

  2. Progress might just be evidenced by the creation of truly impressive Blogs. Hope you're feelin' the love it evokes.

    1. capnchris@gmail.com12 November, 2013 16:56

      Thanks for the kind words Beep. I have quite a few ready to go, stay tuned.

  3. Agree with Beep's comment about your blog. I wish I had your knack and creativity! Hang in there -- those smart guys at Duke, along with your incredible research and knowledge, will come up with the right formula! We love you guys.

    1. Yeah, the Dukes and Dutchesses are on it, I am anomalous enough to be interesting I guess

  4. we're rooting for you! keep it up, keep it up!

  5. Your in our thoughts over on this side of the river….Z.

  6. THanks Zack - I 've been thinking of you lately. I hope you are playing as often as you can.

